An Online Course To Help You

Create Healthcare Businesses Filled With Purpose, Enjoyment, and Profit

Get a life-changing, healthcare business education through on-demand courses, coaching, and an exclusive community.

But often, trying to grow a healthcare business is overwhelming

Especially without the right plan…

  • Worried about the time it will take to start a business while working your current job?
  • Are you concerned about not having enough patients or if you'll be successful? 
  • Are you unfamiliar with managing business aspects such as insurance, marketing, and staffing?
  • Are you nervous about not having enough support or information through this process? 
I’m here to help! It’s my mission to help you create healthcare businesses filled with purpose, enjoyment, and profit. I’ve helped myself and many more achieve this for their own business. And with my guidance, it will work for you too.


Success Rx: Grow Your Dream Healthcare Business

Your prescription to flourish in health entrepreneurship to transform your expertise into a successful and fulfilling health business. You’ll learn the entire process of starting and running a health business, from idea conception to execution.

Designed exclusively for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other medical professionals with a go-getter spirit, this online course is your roadmap to achieving financial freedom, work-life balance, and the autonomy you've been craving.


What You'll Learn:

From cultivating your business owner mindset to launching your health business, and from mastering digital marketing to developing collaborative opportunities, this course covers every facet of your journey. 

Here are the benefits of this online program:

Fostering the Health Entrepreneur Mindset: Overcome imposter syndrome, embrace your expertise, and build a resilient entrepreneurial mindset that propels you toward success.

Crafting Your Health Business Identity: Discover your unique niche, establish a powerful brand, and lay the foundation for a thriving health venture.

Designing Your Online Presence: Create an impactful website, optimize for search engines, and harness the power of digital tools to reach and engage your ideal clients.

Navigating Client Experience and Records: Streamline patient interactions with efficient check-in processes and telemedicine solutions, ensuring top-notch care both in-person and virtually.

Unveiling the Six-Figure Framework: Develop a strategic blueprint, automate processes, and guide clients through a transformative journey to achieve sustainable growth.

Mastering Health Business Marketing: Define your target audience, craft compelling messaging, harness the potential of social media, and showcase testimonials to attract and retain loyal clients.

Collaboration for Success: Unlock collaborative opportunities that amplify your impact, connect you with like-minded professionals, and expand your reach within the health industry.

Sustaining and Scaling Your Health Business: Build a thriving email list, evaluate growth opportunities, navigate hiring decisions, and explore additional income streams to achieve holistic success.

I want you to know that I understand where you’re at right now. You’re in the exact place I was a few years ago. You’re questioning whether you could really start a business and potentially change your life (Spoiler alert: you can). I remember searching for help and there was nothing. The people who did have their own practice were gatekeeping the information.

In this course I teach you how you can go from a dream to a six figure or even 7 figure business. It’s not magic and it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a detailed and hands-on program that helps you go from an idea to a full blown income generating business.

You won’t be successful in this course or life in general without putting in the work, but if you’re committed to doing it, you will exceed your own expectations. If you’re ready to own your own business, create jobs, impact people, and have more time to simply live your life while making more money…join now. You can speed up your time to success or spend years trying to learn it yourself.

The quicker you start the quicker you learn from your mistakes and succeed.

Have you had These Negative Thoughts?

  1. What if I don't get any clients? How do I find clients?
  2. What if they don’t like me? What if I’m not experienced enough?
  3. I don’t know how to create a business or a website. It’s too hard.
  4. It’s already saturated. Is this a good idea? How do I get people to pick me?

All of my previous clients had these same thoughts and excelled in spite of it.

The Online Course You Need For Business Success

Module 1

Intro and Objectives

In this module, you'll embark on your journey towards becoming a successful health entrepreneur. Gain a clear understanding of what lies ahead and set your intentions for the course. Discover the transformative potential that awaits as you lay the foundation for your thriving health business.

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Module 2

Business Owner Mindset

Cultivate the mindset of a confident health entrepreneur. Dive into the nuances of transitioning from a clinical perspective to an entrepreneurial mindset. Explore the power of embracing your expertise and building the confidence needed to lead your health business with authenticity and vision.

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Module 3

Business Setup

Navigate the practical steps of establishing your health business. From defining your niche and crafting a compelling brand identity to managing legal requirements, insurance, and credentialing, this module provides a comprehensive roadmap to kickstart your venture with clarity and professionalism.

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Module 4

Website Design

Your online presence is a crucial aspect of your health business success. Learn the art of creating a captivating website that resonates with your audience. Dive into design principles, imagery selection, branding, and optimizing user experience. Build a virtual gateway that reflects your essence and engages clients effectively.

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Module 5

Practice Management

Master the art of practice management to ensure seamless operations. Explore tools and strategies for efficient appointment scheduling, client record keeping, and telemedicine solutions. Learn how to provide exceptional client experiences that foster trust and lasting relationships.

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Module 6


Unlock the secrets of effective marketing tailored to the health industry. Discover how to define your ideal client, craft compelling marketing messages, and utilize social media to expand your reach. Harness the power of testimonials and referrals to build credibility and attract a loyal clientele.

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Module 7

Six Figure Framework

Craft a strategic roadmap for achieving financial success in your health business. Explore automation, scalability, and creating a client journey that nurtures growth. Dive into the principles of setting realistic revenue goals and leveraging multiple income streams to build a sustainable, six-figure health business.

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Module 8

Retention and Growth

Your health business's success isn't just about acquiring clients—it's about retaining and nurturing them. Explore email list building, client retention strategies, and evaluation techniques to ensure your business thrives long-term. Learn how to strategically hire and expand your team while staying true to your holistic vision.

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Your Plan For Healthcare Business Success

jamie anne mcguire skin
Join Success Rx Online Course
Implement The Plan
Create The Business Filled With Purpose, Enjoyment, and Profit

What our clients say

"Erica has been a great resource while building my practice. She has been able to help me navigate through the multiple challenging terrains of this process."

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Your Prestige Health

"Thank you doesn’t seem sufficient! I learned so much from Erica. Not only did she provide new ideas, I was able to use the information she provided to enhance my current processes. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience!”

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"Erica is very knowledgeable, patient and extremely helpful. She provided step by step instructions on how to begin my business in the most cost effective way. My business is doing great and it’s growing quickly.”

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The Center Of Opportunity

"Starting a practice can be overwhelming knowing where to start. It really helps to have a mentor provide you with information to feel secure and have an action plan in place. I’m grateful to have Erica to consult with regarding starting my practice. She was able to help me figure out how to start my practice. I consulted with her on payroll for my staff & how to continue to grow my practice."

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Transform Your Being

This course is for those who:

  1. No longer want to trade time for money
  2. Care about helping others
  3. Want more flexibility and independence
  4. Want financial independence
  5. Plan to change their destiny
  6. Want to put the work in

This course is NOT for those who:

  1. Don’t see themselves as business owners
  2. Aren’t ready to put in work that provides results
  3. Want a quick fix
  4. Don’t have any experience in healthcare
  5. View their career as a hobby

You have a great career but what if you could:

  • Make more money
  • Spend more time with your family
  • Make a larger impact on your community
  • Change lives

And what if I could help you…

Benefits of taking this course:

  1. Build your business at your pace
  2. Learn from a professional who has done it.
  3. High quality videos and worksheets
  4. Easy to follow modules to go at your your own pace
  5. Proven way to become a profitable healthcare business owner
  6. Confidence to start seeing clients knowing that the foundation is in place
  7. A system to follow so business doesn’t stress you out

Have you ever been at work and thought “I could do this on my own” but find it too overwhelming to take the leap to business owner?

Or maybe you…

  • Feel like you wouldn’t have the time
  • Don’t think you’ll have enough clients
  • Look at other business owners and think “I could never do that”
  • Are the go-to person and work hard but feel unappreciated.

I’ve been there.

What you need is a blueprint that gives you step by step direction on how to start your business and at minimum double your salary.

If you don’t know how to start your healthcare business, feel lost, or just need more information, this is for you.

The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. If your work is making you miserable, stressing you out, and holding you back from doing the things you’ve always dreamed of doing now is the time to make a change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get a life-changing, healthcare business education through on-demand courses, coaching, and an exclusive community.

How will I benefit from this course?

You’ll be able to…

  • Achieve Glowing Skin: Implement science-backed strategies to nurture your skin and unlock a radiant, healthy complexion.
  • Sustainable Habits: Cultivate lasting habits that contribute to your overall well-being and skin vitality.
  • Expert Insights: Learn from seasoned professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your skin and health goals.
  • Personal Empowerment: Gain the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your skincare and dietary choices for long-term results.
  • Confidence Boost: Experience the transformative effects of improved skin health and enjoy newfound confidence in your appearance.
What’s included in this course?

This course will give you access to:

  1. Understanding Healthy Habits: Delve into the science behind skin health and gain a deep understanding of how your daily habits impact your skin's appearance. Learn to create sustainable, effective routines that nourish your skin from within.
  2. The Skin-Health Connection: Discover the intricate relationship between diet, skincare regimens, and skin vitality. Uncover the key nutrients and practices that promote clear, youthful skin.
  3. Personalized Guidance: Our team of experienced skincare professionals and nutrition experts will be at your disposal throughout the course. Receive personalized recommendations tailored to your unique skin concerns and goals.
  4. Diet and Nutrition Insights: Explore the role of nutrition in achieving radiant skin. Gain practical knowledge about skin-supportive foods, hydration, and dietary choices that can enhance your complexion.
  5. Effective Skincare Regimens: Learn the art of crafting effective skincare routines that target your specific needs. From cleansing techniques to product selection, discover how to optimize your skincare regimen for optimal results.
  6. Lifestyle Integration: Integrate skin-loving practices seamlessly into your daily life. Overcome challenges and hurdles with practical tips to ensure your newfound habits stick.
  7. Progress Tracking: Monitor your journey with provided tools to track your skin's progress and overall well-being. Witness the positive changes firsthand as you follow the path to healthier skin.
  8. Community and Support: Connect with fellow participants in a supportive online community. Share experiences, exchange insights, and celebrate successes together.
What is the duration of the online course?

The course is designed to be completed in 90 days, but you have lifetime access, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

Is this course suitable for beginners or more advanced learners?

This course is suitable for individuals of all levels, whether you're new to skin health and diet regimens or looking to deepen your knowledge.

Are there any prerequisites or specific requirements to enroll in the course?

No prerequisites are required. This course is open to anyone interested in improving their skin health and overall well-being.

What will I learn from this course?

You'll learn the science behind healthy skin, the impact of diet and skincare on your skin's appearance, and practical habits to achieve radiant, healthy skin.

How do I access the course materials and online lessons?

Once you enroll, you'll receive login credentials to access our user-friendly online platform, where you can access all course materials and lessons.

Is there a specific schedule for the course, or can I learn at my own pace?

You can learn at your own pace. The course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to fit it into your schedule.

Is there a refund policy if I'm not satisfied with the course?

We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the course, you can request a full refund within the first 30 days.


6 Steps To Help You Build a Thriving Six-Figure Health Business from the Ground Up

Join Erica in this masterclass to discover how to build, launch, and scale your own thriving health business.

Register Now

Now Is The Time To Build Your Healthcare Business Empire

Led by Erica Hand, an experienced health professional who has successfully navigated the path from medical practice to health entrepreneurship, this course provides a supportive community, practical resources, and personalized guidance every step of the way. With a focus on work-life balance, flexibility, and empowerment, our mission is to empower you to create the health business and lifestyle you've been dreaming of.

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